Dollars & Sense

Meet Trucker CFO: Q & A with Colton Lawrence
For those unfamiliar with Trucker CFO, it’s an organization designed to help the independent contractor maintain a coherent tax situation within their profession. Whether a driver, an owner operator or a fleet owner, Trucker CFO exists to assist in the daily operations of each entity as they work and function in their own space. Every person and every situation are different, which is where Colton and his organization pride themselves on catering to the induvial and their specific needs.
The following is a question-and-answer discussion with the Trucker CFO himself, Colton Lawrence.
Brandon Baxter: Thanks so much for taking some time to chat with me today, Colton. I think the first thing we might want to get into is informing the folks at home, or those on the road, what exactly The Trucker CFO is and how it benefits today’s driver and independent contractor.
Colton Lawrence: Thanks, Brandon. Trucker CFO is simply the rebranding of what most folks still remember as Equinox Owner Operator Solutions. We’re technically still Equinox but doing business as Trucker CFO. The primary reason for the rebrand is to convey to independent contractors that they are the CEO of their own company, while we serve in the role of Chief Financial Officer. Quite simply we exist to provide the independent solo drivers, the owner operators, and the fleet owners, the resources and insight they need to successfully run their business.
BB: Are you the only option out there for these folks?
CL: Certainly not, there are other financial options that exist for independent contractors to consider. We just want to make sure that our hat gets thrown into the ring as an option to be used in comparison. We may not be the exact need the individual or fleet owner is looking for, but we’ll be sure to check all of their boxes when they come calling.
BB: So, what does that look like, checking all their boxes?
CL: Well, for starters, we’re not a cookie cutter company. We don’t just shoehorn anyone into the services we provide, that’s like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. It doesn’t make sense. We try to personalize our services to the client; we listen to their needs and create solutions that cater to their best interests.
BB: I am not a numbers person. For me, like many people, numbers can be intimidating. So, when you’re discussing your financial services, which I understand is more than just taxes, how do you convey your message so that someone like myself understands how you can best help them?
CL: First and foremost, we want folks to understand that they are not just a number to us. They are individuals who have many different needs, and we want to present them with options. Whether it’s filing quarterly taxes, or maybe it’s helping set them up as an S Corp, or perhaps it’s just as a guide to help them gain a better understanding of their finances. We want to customize their experience with us so that it best suits their needs. As CEO of their business, they should be open to discussing solutions. As the Trucker CFO, we want to offer those solutions, but allow them to make their own decisions.
BB: As for the individual owner operator out there, what message would you like them to receive?
CL: Plain and simple, we are going to do our best to minimize your tax liability and ensure that you aren’t paying a dime more than you have to.
BB: Finally, Colton, what would you want readers to take away from our discussion? Why is Trucker CFO beneficial for them?
CL: Think success. We want folks who partner with us to visualize and think about what success looks like to them. Success can be different for everyone. For one person, success could mean making a million dollars. For another, success might be making just enough money to afford a hamburger. We’re not going to define what your success looks like; we’re going to leave that up to you. Our role just exists to help you reach that success.
Colton Lawrence will be an ongoing contributor to and The WIRE newsletter and will bring his brand of trucking industry knowledge to you, the driving professional. You can expect articles that will demonstrate how Trucker CFO partners with their trucking clients to develop strategies allowing you to maximize the profitability of your business. Whether you’re an independent contractor, owner operator, or fleet owner, Colton and his team at Trucker CFO can supply you with over a decade’s worth of experience in providing financial solutions created to help you maintain the daily operations of your trucking business.
Click Here to find out more about Trucker CFO and hear our latest podcast.
If you have questions about taxes, accounting, or other aspects of your business, please click here.