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Trucks 'high on agenda' of recent meeting between LaHood, Mexican counterpart

By Lyndon Finney - The Trucker Staff
Posted Dec 21st 2009 3:13AM

Mexico Transport and Communications Secretary Juan Francisco Molinar Horcasitas met with U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood in the U.S. in late October or early November and a replacement program for the Cross Border Demonstration Project axed by Congress in late March was high on the agenda, The Trucker has learned.

Meanwhile, Mexican sources familiar with the issue say the two countries are not close to agreeing on a replacement program because in the words of the source, “movement on the U.S. side has been pretty slow.”

Within days of the end of the program, President Barack Obama “tasked” LaHood with developing a set of principles for a replacement program.

LaHood met with trucking industry stakeholders and at least 23 Congressional leaders to discuss a new program, and reportedly sent a set of principles to the White House.

A Mexican official with knowledge of the trucking issue said the Mexican government was aware of discussions between the administration and Congress about the set of principles and added that Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderón discussed a replacement program when the two met in Guadalajara in August.

“It was on the agenda. I don’t know how specific it was, but it definitely was on the agenda,” the official said.

The Mexican official’s report of the meetings where the cross border issue was discussed appears to be in direct conflict with a statement issued by the Department of Transportation last week.

"We are committed to upholding our international obligations,” Olivia Alair, the DOT’s press secretary told The Trucker.  “We are also committed to ensuring the safety of American roads and addressing any legitimate safety concerns raised by members of Congress.  We have not yet floated any proposals with Mexico and look forward to consulting with members of Congress."

Asked to confirm the meeting between LaHood and his Mexican counterpart, Alair would not comment.

Asked if indeed a set of principles had been sent to the White House and did the DOT mean it was going to have additional discussions with Congress beyond the reported previous meetings with Congressional leaders, Alair said she had no comment beyond the original statement.

Other sources familiar with Mexico’s position on the cross border issue say that the Mexican government is frustrated with the slow response.

“They [Mexican government officials] say the slow response is unacceptable because it’s taking too long for the U.S. to comply with its international obligations,” the sources said. “They understand that the legitimate priorities of this current U.S. administration are focused elsewhere today because of the realities of domestic politics—the economic crisis and healthcare. Having dealt with U.S. administrations for decades they understand domestic politics.”

The DOT would not comment on Mexico’s claim of a slow response.

Asked whether the Mexican government might do something beyond the $2.4 billion in tariffs it had already imposed on U.S. goods entering Mexico, a Mexican official said his country had “every option on the table” but would not comment on what specific options might be.

Lyndon Finney of The Trucker staff can be reached to comment on this article at [email protected] .