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Top 7 EO Articles from 2016 to Help You Start and Succeed in Expedited Trucking
Gain more control over your income potential. Travel and see the country on someone else's dime. Start a new career to work closely with your spouse. These are just a few reasons that make expedited trucking an attractive business opportunity.
But how do you determine whether the expedite life would be right for you...before you take the plunge? How do you get started in the business a way that minimizes risk of failure and maximizes your potential? And what are the factors you should consider to position yourself for success?
As you explore expedited trucking as a next career, here are seven questions you might be thinking about right now--and the top EO articles of 2016 to help answer each one.
#1. How do I get started in expediting?
If you haven't seen Heather and Jason Hutchens' "Our Life on the Road" video blog on, check it out. Heather and Jason give you a great glimpse into what it's really like as an expediter and the lessons they've learned along the way. How did they get started in expedited trucking? What did they discover in their research? And what challenges have they faced along the way? In this article, Heather and Jason share their story, with advice that might help you as you consider starting your own journey in expediting.
Read: How We Got Started In Expediting: Heather and Jason Hutchens.
#2. What type of vehicle should I drive?
Your vehicle -- whether it's a cargo van, straight truck, or tractor-trailer -- determines which trucking carriers you can sign with, what size and types of loads you can take on, and ultimately how much money you'll be able to make (and keep). So, how do you decide which type is best for your expedited trucking business? The starting point is to understand the distinctions between the three most common vehicle types used by expediters. This article breaks it all down for you.
Read: Cargo Van, Straight Truck or Tractor: Which is Best for Your Expedited Trucking Business?
#3. How can I put myself in the best position for success in today's expedite market?
As with many types of businesses, expediting can be cyclical, where you can feel like you're going from feast to famine. Yet, for smart, hard-working expediters, even slow freight can still offer significant opportunities for success--if you know what they are and how to capitalize on them. This article reveals three powerful opportunities to put you in the best position to succeed, no matter what market you face.
Read: Three Opportunities to Win in Today's Freight Market
#4. Should I lease to a carrier or operate with my own authority?
When you operate under your own motor carrier authority, you cut out the middleman--the trucking carrier--and (in theory) get to keep more of your money. But you also take on significantly more risk than you would if you leased to a carrier. What is it really like to operate on your own authority? Is getting your own authority right for you? This article offers a real-world glimpse into the risks, rewards, and what it takes to succeed when operating under your own motor carrier authority.
Read: The Risks and Rewards of Getting Your Own Motor Carrier Authority
#5. What should I look for in a trucking carrier?
Choosing a motor carrier is one most important business decisions you make as an expedite owner-operator or fleet owner. What should you look for in a carrier to ensure it's the best fit for your own business and lifestyle goals? EO spoke with three expediters to find out why they chose their carrier and what advice they could offer rookie expediters on selecting a company.
Read: Why I Chose My Carrier
#6. What are the keys to success in expediting?
They are the 5 C's--cost controls, community, carrier stability, credentials, and cash reserve. What do these terms mean and how can they help you take charge of your future and establish a career that's built to last? This article answers these questions, revealing the success tools you need to capitalize on the opportunities in expediting--and overcome the challenges that are sure to come your way.
Read: 5-Piece Toolkit for Expediter Success
#7. One of the things that attracts me to expediting is being able to travel the country. What are some of the cool places I could see while I'm out on the road?
There are great places to go and see throughout the U.S. when you're out on the road and in between loads. So, EO recently caught up with long-time expediters to find out where they've enjoyed visiting during their years on the road. Here's what they said were their favorite places to visit and why you might enjoy them, too.
Read: Enjoying the Journey: Top Places to See During Your Travels
The Bottom Line
When it comes to expedited trucking—or any business for that matter—ignorance is NOT bliss. So, study these seven articles and look for the lessons you can apply today to pave your own road to success.