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Small business enrollment in Obamacare falling short, says federal audit

By The Trucker News Services
Posted Nov 13th 2014 4:37AM

Enrollment for small businesses under Obamacare is falling short of the government’s expectations, according to a federal audit to be announced Thursday.

About 76,000 people have enrolled in the state-run exchanges, a dismal total that nearly guarantees that the Obama administration will miss its target for small businesses, according to a report by the nonpartisan General Accountability Office (GAO) provided early to The Hill.

The report confirms fears of many Democrats, who have acknowledged that last year’s botched launch would keep people from signing up. The bad news also provides new fuel for Republicans intent on dismantling ObamaCare in the GOP-controlled Congress.

The House Republican who requested the report said Thursday that the data demonstrates the law’s failure for small business owners and workers.

“It is apparent that the Obama Administration didn’t prioritize the SHOP exchange in the law. Small businesses and taxpayers deserve better,” Rep. Sam Graves, R-Mo., chairman of the House Committee on Small Business, wrote in a statement.

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