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Michigan governor targets roads, bridges for repair
DETROIT — Gov. Rick Snyder told business leaders Friday that his focus this year will be fixing the state's roads and bridges, and renew his push for constructing one bridge in particular.
The Republican leader raised his business-focused plans — outlined two days earlier in his State of the State address — to a commerce-friendly crowd of about 400 people at an event hosted by the Detroit Regional Chamber. He said more money should be invested in fixing roads and bridges, and implored audience members to speak up on behalf of the proposed New International Trade Crossing over the Detroit River that would link Detroit and Windsor, Ontario.
"It's basically, to be blunt, me against $5 million worth of advertising," said Snyder, referring to a campaign led by owners of the Ambassador Bridge, which would directly compete with a new span.
"It's about international trade and long-term jobs," he said. "The beauty of it in the near-term is massive construction project in Detroit."
Snyder made the second span one of his top priorities when he took office last year, but the plan died in the state Senate.
As for the broader issue of fixing state transportation, Snyder said spending the money now would be preferable to spending five times more several years from now as conditions deteriorate.
Lawmakers are expected to start introducing legislation as early as next week to raise more money for roads and bridges through higher vehicle registration fees and changes in the way gas and diesel fuels are taxed. The Michigan Chamber of Commerce has for several years backed increasing money for improving the transportation system.
Snyder, a former businessman and investor in advanced technology startups, praised business during Wednesday's State of the State address for helping improve Michigan's economy last year by adding 80,000 jobs. That helped push the unemployment rate to about 2 percentage points lower than when he took office last year.
He said the cost of doing business has been lowered, encouraging businesses. Democratic lawmakers say businesses have been helped at the workers' expense.
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