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Indiana House panel advances bill to make weight exception for APUs
A bill that is on the move in the Indiana House is intended to provide an incentive to reduce truck idling.
The House Roads and Transportation Committee unanimously approved a bill that calls for increasing the maximum weight limits for large trucks equipped with idle-reduction technology. Trucks equipped with auxiliary power units would be authorized to weigh up to an additional 400 pounds.
Sponsored by Rep. Dennis Avery, D-Evansville, the bill – HB1084 – awaits consideration on the House floor. If approved there, it would advance to the Senate.
This isn’t Avery’s first go-around in trying to get the weight exception through the statehouse. A year ago a similar version died in a conference committee. House and Senate lawmakers weren’t able to reach agreement on a provision added in the Senate to include extending the total gross weight of vehicles transporting ocean-going containers from 90,000 pounds to 95,000 pounds.
HB1084 doesn’t include the oceangoing container provision.
Supporters say the weight exception removes the disincentive that would keep truckers from using APUs. They say a reduction of 400 pounds in cargo is a major loss in hauling potential and represents an economic disincentive for using these units.
States were granted federal authority in 2005 to allow a 400-pound leeway in order encourage the use of idling-reduction equipment. OOIDA officials point out it was the intent of Congress that the exemption be signed into law in every state, but it’s been a slow process that’s dragged on for five years.
The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association has advocated adoption of the 400-pound exemption, even before the federal authority was granted.
“The Association supports the exemption as reasonable because it’s another inducement to install an APU onto your truck,†Joe Rajkovacz, OOIDA’s director of regulatory affairs, told
Land Line.
Indiana is one of about a dozen states that do not allow 400-pound exceptions for APUs
. States to add the provision in the past year include Arizona, Colorado, Delaware, Maine and Virginia. Legislation is pending in Alabama, Florida, Massachusetts and West Virginia to adopt the provision to state law.
To view other legislative activities of interest for Indiana in 2010, here
Editor’s Note: Please share your thoughts with us about the legislation included in this story. Comments may be sent to
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