In The News

Goodyear Names 34th Highway Hero at MATS

Posted Mar 27th 2017 10:57AM

David Webb of Billings, Montana, accepted the 34th Goodyear Highway Hero Award during the Mid-America Trucking Show for saving the life of an incapacitated driver.

Chosen from three finalists, Webb was recognized for stopping an out-of-control dump truck and performing CPR on the incapacitated driver.

Webb and his wife Carol were driving through Washington State last June when they noticed a dump truck swerving in the next lane. Webb saw that the driver was slumped over the steering wheel and as the dump truck slowed, he got out of his own truck to run after the still-moving vehicle.

Thinking fast, Webb jumped onto the truck's running board, opened the door, reached inside and applied the brakes. As his wife called 911, he worked with another bystander to pull the driver out of the truck and perform CPR on the man until help arrived. The driver was hospitalized and survived.

Webb's training and experience in the military and as a volunteer firefighter contributed to his quick response.

"David took immediate action to save a fellow truck driver and stop an out-of-control truck that could have injured others," said Gary Medalis, marketing director, Goodyear. "For his quick thinking and courage, we are proud to name him our 34th Goodyear Highway Hero."

As the winner of the Goodyear Highway Hero Award, Webb received a special Highway Hero ring, a $5,000 prize, and other items. The other finalists were Chris Baker of Chicopee, Mass., and Tim Freiburger of Huntington, Ind. To read more about the other finalists, click here.

The Goodyear Highway Hero Award winner was selected by an independent panel consisting of members of the trucking trade press.

"We are proud of all three of our Highway Hero finalists," said Medalis. "Each is a hero in his own right and is truly worthy of recognition."