In The News

Federal Panels to Discuss Driver Wellness Initiative

By David Cullen -
Posted Sep 8th 2015 12:21PM

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has announced that its Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee and Medical Review Board will meet jointly on Sept. 21-22 in Arlington, Vir., to discuss setting up a new "driver wellness initiative" as well as other ways to foster the health and wellness of commercial-vehicle drivers.

FMCSA characterized the initiative as "a non-regulatory public-private partnership of stakeholders to improve drivers' health" and said that its "structure, content, delivery, and evaluation" will be discussed by the members of MRB and MCSAC.

The advisory groups will also "identify" other concepts the Agency and stakeholders should consider regarding driver health and wellness, FMCSA noted.

The meeting will be open to the public for its entirety.

It will be held on Monday and Tuesday, Sept. 21 and 22, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. EDT, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, 2799 Jefferson Davis Highway, Arlington, VA 22202.

Copies of the MRB and MCSAC joint task statement and a meeting agenda will be made available in advance of the meeting at the Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee website and at the Medical Review Board site.