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Expediter Services Continues To Expand Into The General Trucking Market
Launches Podcast Series.
Expediter Services, the largest provider of capacity to the trucking industry’s expedited sector, recently launched a podcast series to support the company’s enterprise – a platform which is primarily focused on developing ownership opportunities for professional drivers within the general trucking sector. The website made its debut in October of 2016, offering a wealth of information geared to assist professionals who have an interest in becoming owner-operators and fleet owners.
The Podcast Series is an extension of the overall website and it is designed to offer listeners perspectives from industry leaders, top service providers as well as owner-operators and fleet owners in the field. The first segment in the series features an interview with Expediter Services President Jason Williams.
Over the course of the 10-minute interview, Williams discusses how incorporates the same guiding principles for creating ownership opportunities within the general trucking market that Expediter Services has successfully utilized in the expedited sector for more than a decade. In addition, Williams explains how the ES Network has designed a support system with a focus on business advisory support that is designed to assist the participants in the Path To Ownership Program toward achieving success.
In addition to being a part of the website, the podcast is being featured on the Red Eye Radio Network. Future editions of the Podcast will feature industry leaders discussing topics of interest. It will also highlight professional drivers who have taken the step to become owner-operators and fleet owners.
To listen to the debut edition of the Podcast with Expediter Services President Jason Williams, please click here.