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Employment report: Trucking industry gained 700 jobs in August

By James Jaillet -
Posted Sep 4th 2015 11:52AM

The for-hire trucking industry added 700 jobs on a seasonally adjusted basis in the month of August, according to the Department of Labor's monthly employment report, released Sept. 4.

This is the fifth consecutive month that for-hire trucking employment has added jobs, and the seventh time (out of eight months) in 2015, continuing a years-long trend of job gains in the industry.

The U.S. economy has a whole added 173,000 jobs in the month, pushing the country's unemployment rate to 5.1 percent — the lowest in nearly a decade.

The DOL did downwardly revise trucking's preliminary employment figures for July and June, edging each down a few hundred jobs.

For-hire trucking employment now totals 1.4588 million on a seasonally adjusted basis, the DOL reports, a figure that recently topped trucking's previous employment high from January 2007.