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DOT could leverage up to $50B in transportation investment

By Overdrive Staff
Posted Aug 1st 2012 8:03AM

The U.S. Department of Transportation on Friday, July 27, announced the availability of up to $17 billion in loans for critical infrastructure projects across the country as a result of the recently enacted surface transportation bill.

U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood encouraged states and cities across the country to submit letters of interest for the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program, which provides direct loans, loan guarantees and standby lines of credit to major infrastructure projects with the potential to create jobs and spur economic development and growth.

“Americans have always done big things – not in spite of hard times, but as a means of overcoming them,” said LaHood. “These investments will help cities and states create jobs right away, building the big transportation projects we need to make sure our economy continues to grow and prosper.”

The recently enacted surface transportation bill, known as MAP-21, provided $1.7 billion in capital over two years for the TIFIA credit assistance program, up from $120 million in fiscal year 2012, making it the largest transportation infrastructure finance fund in the department’s history.

Each dollar of federal funds can provide about $10 in TIFIA credit assistance, meaning $17 billion in loans through TIFIA, which in turn can leverage $20-$30 billion in transportation infrastructure investment. Altogether, the expanded federal loan program could result in up to $50 billion in federal, state, local and private sector investment for critical transportation projects across the country.

A wide range of critical transportation projects are eligible for the funding, including everything from highway and passenger rail projects to public transit and international bridges and tunnels. Because of the flexibility provided by the TIFIA programs, many qualified large-scale projects that otherwise might be delayed or shelved can move forward quickly.