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CSA 2010 rollout pushed back to November
The rollout of the new high-tech system designed to track motor carrier compliance with the federal regs has now officially been pushed back to November.
The Comprehensive Safety Analysis 2010 compliance measurement system was originally slated to go live in June. However, meetings with industry stakeholders and field testing have FMCSA considering changes to the methodology used to measure compliance with the federal regulations.
In a conference call with OOIDA leadership on Tuesday, April 6, FMCSA officials confirmed that motor carriers would be able to preview CSA 2010 data from April 12 through July 31.
Beginning Aug. 1, the agency will begin using the system to assess the compliance of motor carriers with the regulations. The information will go live to the public on Nov. 30, and corrective actions against motor carriers could be imposed at that time.
In the meantime, FMCSA officials plan to complete field testing of the CSA 2010 system sometime in June. As of early April, the agency had collected approximately 26 months’ worth of roadside inspection and crash report data.
All violations listed on inspections, whether a citation is issued or not, is entered into the CSA 2010 database. Those violations and crash report data will be chewed through quite a bit of math to determine a motor carrier’s percentile ranking in the seven different categories.
Once the system goes live, FMCSA can decide on a variety of interventions based on the severity of a motor carrier’s non-compliance in any one of those categories.
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