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Conservatives call on Republicans to repeal Obamacare

By The Trucker News Services
Posted Nov 10th 2014 4:58AM

WASHINGTON — Conservatives in Washington are adamant that Senate Republicans should pass a full repeal of the healthcare law next year, even it if means a certain veto from President Obama.

With Senate Democrats likely to filibuster any stand-alone repeal bill, conservatives say incoming Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., should use a procedural maneuver known as reconciliation to muscle through a bill with 51 votes, The Hill reported.

“Republicans should use reconciliation to fully repeal ObamaCare,” said Ken Cuccinelli, president of the Senate Conservatives Fund. “Voters know that nothing is a bigger threat to the budget and our economy than ObamaCare. Senator McConnell is on record saying that the law can be repealed with 51 votes and Republican voters expect him to keep his word."

Dan Holler, the communications director at Heritage Action, said “the most important” thing that Republicans could do in the majority would be to “use the reconciliation instructions to repeal ObamaCare.”

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