In The News

BULLETIN: Dispatched into storm-ravaged areas? Make sure your credentials are right

Posted Nov 1st 2012 9:04AM

On Wednesday, OOIDA Director of Security Operations Doug Morris was authorized by the National Infrastructure Coordinating Center (NICC) to release access control information to OOIDA members who may be dispatched into storm-damaged areas and who will need details on credentialing. For a state roundup of the info, click here.

The NICC is the information and coordination hub of a national network created to protect critical infrastructure like transportation, energy, telecommunications, emergency services and other basic systems. It’s part of the Department of Homeland Security and is tasked with making sure systems vital to the nation is prepared in events like Hurricane Sandy, and well-informed and supported in and after the event.

Morris is the chairman of the Highway and Motor Carrier Sector Coordinating Council. The HMC-SCC is part of the Critical Infrastructure Partnership Advisory Council to the secretary of the Department of Homeland Security.

The HMC-SCC, under CIPAC guidelines, acts in an advisory capacity to the Department of Homeland Security and other federal agencies on issues relating to security and infrastructure protection, preparedness and response for commercial highway transportation.