In The News

Bob and Linda Caffee: TA/Petro Citizen Drivers Extraordinaire

By Sandy Long
Posted May 19th 2014 12:54AM

Bob and Linda Caffee, Ann Ferro Last year, the TA/Petro Truck Stop Corporation started a new program to identify and salute truck drivers who were active in the trucking community above and outside of the driver’s seat.   Winners were announced in early 2014.   Part of the recognition for winners would be a TA/Petro Truck Stop of the winner’s choice named in their honor.   Bob and Linda Caffee were nominated quickly for this prestigious program and won!  

Bob and Linda are owner operators for FedEx Custom Critical.   They came into trucking later in life, he had been a mechanic, she an office worker.   Leaving their Missouri home, they first started with a major carrier, but were not happy doing semi truck long haul; they went back home.   Even though they started another business together, they were hooked on the open road so started looking at their options, expediting caught their attention.

Finding that expediting suited them so well, it was not long before both were involved in encouraging others to enter the expediting field through forums and online blogs.   Being giving caring people, it was not long before they became further involved in helping others.   Starting with the Driver Solution’s Group, both became leaders in helping owner operators become successful.

If there is expediting involved you can bet you will find Bob and Linda there sharing their knowledge and expertise with others.   For the last several years, both have been involved at the Expedite Expo, held in July each year, in seminars and round table discussions on the business of expedite trucking.

Being older, driver’s health drew both Bob and Linda’s attention; Linda was implemental in blood drives and started the Driver’s Walk at several truck shows.   Being involved with Freightliner’s Team Run Smart, Linda has recently started a video series thru the Run Smart Program on healthy eating on the truck.

With a love of children, having two grown daughters themselves, Bob and Linda became active in Trucker Buddy, a program where truckers adopt an elementary school classroom and interact with them by sending letters, postcards, and visiting the school.   Recently Linda expanded their activity with Trucker Buddy to a class in France.

Linda is the driver representative on the Board of Directors for the Women In Trucking Association and both she and Bob are very active with the St. Christopher’s Driver Relief Fund.   Bob sums it up quickly about why they do what they do, “We just like to help people I guess.”

You can find the TA/Petro Bob and Linda Caffee Stopping Center in Las Vegas Nevada.   You might even find the Caffees there, ask to see the Mickey Mouse interior inside their truck, they not only work hard for others, they have a great sense of fun too!