In The News

Annual 'Excellence in Expediting' Awards given at Sylectus Conference

By Carol Hill
Posted Feb 17th 2011 3:27AM

The 8th Annual Sylectus Conference was held Feb. 12 in Las Vegas.

During the conference, Sylectus presented its “Excellence in Expediting” awards for the sixth time. Awards were presented in a variety of categories. would like to congratulate the following companies:

Jim Fletcher of FF Express in Ancaster, ON; John Elliott of Load One in Taylor, MI; and Mike Welch of Express-1 in Buchanan, MI, received “GPSNet Builders Awards,” which recognize companies that do an exceptional job promoting Sylectus software products to other companies. Elliott received a Builders Award for the third consecutive year and was officially recognized as a Sylectus team member and presented with a Sylectus team jersey. Barrett Directline Delivery Services Inc. of Bentonville, AR, won the On-Time Performance award, given to the AlliancePro company that had the best “On Time” performance for the first 11 months (January to November) of 2010. The award was accepted by Steve Barrett. ProEx Logistics LLC of Brook Park, OH, won the “Fastest Billing Cycle” award, given to the AlliancePro company with the fastest Billing turnaround for the first 11 months of 2010. The award was accepted by Dan Metro. Bolt Express of Toledo, OH, won the “Highest Year-over-Year sales growth — large company” award, given to the AlliancePro company with more than $5 million in sales that had the highest percentage increase in sales revenue between 2009 and 2010 for the first 11 months of both years. The award was accepted by Ben Bauman. Active On Demand of Belleville, MI, won the “Highest Year-over-Year sales growth — small company” award, given to the AlliancePro company with less than $5 million in sales that had the highest percentage increase in sales revenue between 2009 and 2010 for the first 11 months of both years. The award was accepted by Jim Phalen. S2 International of McDonough, GA, won the award for “Most Loads Brokered to Alliance carriers as a Percentage of total Brokered Loads.” The award is given to the AlliancePro company that brokered the most loads to other Alliance carriers (as a percentage of their total brokered loads) for the first 11 months of the year. The award was accepted by Jennifer Mead. C&M Transport of Painesville, OH, won the award for “Most Loads Brokered From Other Companies to Alliance Pro.” This award is given to the AlliancePro company who received the most brokered loads from AlliancePro companies for the first 11 months of the year. C&M Transport also won the award for “E-mail Automation Efficiency.” This award goes to the Alliance Pro company that had the highest number (percentage) of automatic email “trip event” notifications to its customers for the months of May to November 2010. The awards were accepted by Mike Pettrey. MP Logistics of Saint Charles, IL, won the award for “Most Loads Brokered from other companies to Alliance Connect.” This award goes to the Alliance Connect company that received the most brokered loads from the AlliancePro companies for the first 11 months of the year. The award was accepted by Peter Baerenklau. Macton Express of Trenton, ON, won the award for “Wireless Vehicle Automation Efficiency.” This award goes to the AlliancePro company that had the highest number (percentage) of automatic event updates from its vehicles per load for the months of June to November 2010. The award was accepted by Darryl Paxton. Express-1, of Buchanan, MI, won the award for “Virtual Fleet Utilization.” This award goes to the AlliancePro company that does the most Virtual Fleet loads (either brokering loads to other Virtual Fleet members or having loads brokered to them from other Virtual Fleet members). The award was accepted by Bryan Tumbleson.