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5 ways to prep for the downturn

By James Jaillet -
Posted Jan 4th 2019 2:22PM

With the economy cooling, owner-operators must be ready for leaner times

The final quarter of 2018 presented more mixed results for freight indicators than the roar of late 2017 and the first half of 2018. Still, rates remained near historic highs as trucking capacity held tight. As the year ended, the economy appeared stable despite that lull.

Little risk of a recession looms for 2019, with momentum from 2018’s booming first six months and tax cuts expected to carry the U.S. economy well into next year, says Avery Vise, vice president of trucking at FTR, a transportation research group. FTR analysts foresee a greater risk for a recession, even if a soft one, in 2020...