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3 Valuable (Yet, Free) Resources to Help You Thrive in the Expedited Trucking Business
As an expedite owner-operator or fleet owner, you have greater control over your financial destiny than you would as an employee. But you also take on more responsibility and risk. After all, you still have to pay for your truck, insurance premiums, and all sorts of on-going expenses, whether or not you're delivering enough loads to cover all your costs.
So, if you're new to the expedite business, don't try to "figure it out" on your own and put your financial future in jeopardy. Instead, tap into these three free resources to get the smart advice you need to start and grow a business that's built to last.
1. Small Business Development Center (SBDC)
This is a valuable resource that too few people take advantage of. You get access to business consulting and coaching for free (subsidized by tax dollars, funded in part by the Small Business Administration).
Many SBDCs have worked with truckers. But they also offer outside-the-industry perspective that can be helpful to you. For example, your SBDC advisor can help you develop your business plan and build financial projections, so that you can determine whether you can realistically succeed in your expedite business before you get too far into it. And as you get your business off the ground, your SBDC advisor can help hold you accountable to working your business plan and be there for you as a "sounding board" as you encounter various challenges.
SBDCs are hosted by local universities and state economic development agencies, staffed by business counselors who have expertise in specific areas of business, such as finance, accounting, sales, marketing and business planning. To find your nearest small business development center, click here.
This is an annual two-day event held in July at the Lexington Center in Lexington, Ky., with free registration and truck parking for attendees.
Launched in 2001, Expedite Expo has been the only trade event focused exclusively on the expedited trucking industry, attracting more than 5,000 annual attendees and exhibitors across North America. In addition to learning about the newest trucks, products and business potential from every major industry category, you also gain numerous networking opportunities to make lasting connections with people who can help you succeed in the business.
Here are a few highlights of what attendees learned at Expedite Expo 2016:
- What You Need to Know Before Getting into Expedited Trucking: Imagine you could ask for advice from some of the most successful expediters in the business -- all in one setting. That's precisely what attendees got to do during this session with a panel of industry experts. Read more.
- Straight Talk on Buying a Truck: When you consider that a new truck can cost anywhere from $150,000 to over $200,000, how do you minimize your risks and make the best decision for your business and budget? Jeff Jones with Stoops Specialty Trucks and Wes Hearn with Middle Georgia Freightliner-Isuzu helped attendees think through the most important points to consider before purchasing a new truck. Read more.
- Life on the Road as Team Drivers: Pros and Cons: Is team driving right for you? What is it really like to operate as team in expedited trucking? How do you capitalize on the advantages and overcome the challenges of team driving? Expediters Heather and Jason Hutchens provided attendees with real-life stories and practical tips of what it's actually like out on the road. Read more.
The next Expedite Expo will be held on July 14th and 15th, 2017, at Lexington Center in Lexington, Ky.
3. (EO) Open Forum
When you're traveling in a truck, away from home for several weeks at a time, it's easy to feel isolated. So, where can you go to find support from people who know what you're going through and can offer smart advice on challenges you might be facing?
This is where the EO Open Forum comes in.
By joining the EO community, you can post questions to the entire community or communicate directly with specific members through private message.
Here are a few examples of recent topics being discussed on the EO Forum:
- Buying a sprinter van--2500 vs. 3500?
- Which companies are a better fit for solo straight truck driver?
- Buying a Sprinter vs. 10-14k GVWR box truck?
Perhaps you have specific challenges you'd like help with. Tap into the wisdom of the community to help point you in the right direction.
If you're not already a member, click here to join.