Carrier Profiles
A Day in The Life of a Recruiter
Express-1 recruiter Scott Hancock has a slightly different perspective on the expedited trucking industry, one that he acquired through his years as an expedited owner-operator.
"After I got my first truck," Hancock says, "I went with one of the 'major' expediting companies, but soon realized that their system and my ideas about this business would not match. I started looking around for a company with whom I could develop a long-term partnership. I found that with Express-1."
Hancock's background includes 12 years in the U.S. Navy as an electronic warfare specialist and recruiter. His resume also lists time spent as a professional musician, stock car racer/owner along with management positions in various industries.
"I feel that because I've spent time behind the wheel as a business owner, I can relate to the owner-operators and drivers in expedite. It helps me to better understand some of the challenges they face in this business, from both a recruiting and driver relations perspective."
As the accompanying 'diary' demonstrates, Hancock's day is a full one, indeed. If that wasn't enough to keep him busy, he recently assumed the Express-1 orientation class duties in addition to his recruiting position.
0500 - Rise and shine. (my personal time) Ride 15 miles on the stationary bike, workout for hour, catch up on what's happening in the local news, then hit the showers.
0700 - Check voice mail on phone in truck on the way to work, make notes to return calls when normal people are awake and alert.
0715 - Arrive at the Recruiting and Training center. Put on coffee, log into computer, check e-mail and phone messages from overnight. Make notes to return calls, respond to e-mails, and answer incoming calls.
0730 - Put together information packets to mail to prospective applicants. Update call source list. (We track where all our calls come from).
0800 - "Take a call from a straight truck contractor and explain what we have to offer. Schedule him for Monday's orientation."
0830 - While taking and making phone calls, I go through the last few weeks worth of orientation graduates to make sure everyone seems to be up to speed with how we do things here. Make note to call a few individuals regarding Qualcomm messages. It appears at this point that no remedial training is needed.
0845 - Local fleet owner stops in looking for a driver so he can add another truck to our fleet. We discuss his geographic requirements and I tell him we'll find somebody for him.
0900 - Convert documents regarding fleet vision into files compatible with our training agenda. These will be used in Monday's orientation.
0915 - "Set up fleet vision account (while on phone) to be used in orientation next week.
0930 - Work with straight truck contractor to help him refine his business plan and improve efficiency in repositioning.
0940 - Computer decides to be uncooperative so I put on the IT hat and assist fellow recruiters in computer issues.
1000 - Work with new semi contractor and set him up for orientation on Monday. Schedule DOT inspection and make sure trailer will be available.
1030 - Set meeting with recruiting processor regarding content revision and assembly of new handbooks/training materials for Monday's class.
1035 - Get the coffee that I made first thing this morning.
1040 - Call vendor and put final wraps on the "top secret project" for the Expediter Expo in Wilmington, Ohio at the end of July.
1045 - Add vehicles to newly created fleet vision account online and look for potential bugs or glitches. All seems to be just wonderful. Good.
1100 - Meet with fleet owner looking to add new trucks to our fleet. Discuss truck specifications and refer him to reputable dealers who carry the kind of trucks he is looking for.
1125 - Extract messages from voice mail for return calls.
1130 - Working lunch with the Safety Department. Discuss company policies and federal regulations regarding contractor requirements. Insurance coverage is also discussed on a state by state basis. Suggestions are made between
departments and we will reevaluate in the future.
1215 - Review and code Motor vehicle reports for next week's orientation attendees. Call to advise status on a case by case basis.
1230 - Discuss expectations and options with a potential new contractor. Establish a business plan designed to meet his goals and explain what would be required of him to meet these goals as well. Discuss what would and would not work, and both agreed to proceed with the application, qualification, then truck purchasing process.
12:45 - Check voicemail messages again, return calls between incoming calls. Put together some more information packets.
1400 - Meet with training facilitator at Main Office to discuss changes to handbook and orientation curriculum. Evaluate effectiveness of current program and identify areas for improvements.
1545 - Check voicemail, return calls between incoming calls.
1600 - Discuss options with current contractor regarding how to increase efficiency and production with his current equipment. We discuss equipment upgrades and possible modifications to his availability to maximize his potential revenue.
1615 - Think about getting some coffee.
1620 - Look through archived Expediters Online applications in search of drivers for fleet owners looking to add a significant number of new trucks to our fleet.
1640 - Review and make changes to the VP handbook before printing them for our next class on Monday.
1645 - Check voicemails that had backed up while I was on the phone for the last several hours
1650 - Realize I never got the coffee that I had thought about.
1655 - Talk to a tractor-trailer owner/operator who wants to be here ASAP. I had sent him an information packet via e-mail, and a link to our online application so we could expedite getting him qualified and set up for orientation.
1700 - Call current contractor who seems to be having difficulty with sending the proper QC messages. Give him training over the telephone. Problem apparently solved.
1710 - Leave office, check voicemail on cell phone in truck, return calls while driving distractedly home.
1730 - Return to home base and sit in driveway making return/ follow up calls from voicemails on cell phone.
1800 - Get out of truck, go into house ready for dinner, wife reminds me that I have a meeting at church in an hour. Return more calls on way to meeting.
2000 - Get out of meeting, check voicemail, return one more call on my way home.
2045 - Dinner with wife. We talk about why we can't get grass to grow in the front yard, AND our upcoming mini-vacation to the Expediter Expo in Wilmington. We are both looking forward to it.
2130 - Pet the cats (Jen and Brown) so they still remember who I am. My cats are very good listeners as long as you feed them.
2140 - Make a list of everything that I need to do tomorrow that I should have accomplished today except for the fact that I was too busy from catching up from yesterday.
2200- Lights Out!