Risky Business

RoadCheck DOT Blitz is here
The Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance’s (CVSA) annual “Roadcheck” campaign will take place May 17 – 19, 2022. This event is also commonly called “DOT Blitz”.
What is Roadcheck?
Over a 72-hour period, commercial motor vehicle inspectors in jurisdictions throughout North America will conduct inspections of commercial motor vehicles and their drivers. Approximately 17 Roadside Inspections will be initiated every minute during this 72-hour period across the US, Canada, and Mexico. Each year tens of thousands of inspections are conducted.
What kind of inspections will be performed?
Inspectors will primarily be conducting the North American Standard Level I Inspection, which is the most thorough roadside inspection. It is a 37-step procedure that includes an examination of both driver operating requirements and vehicle mechanical fitness.
What is the focus area this year?
While checking vehicle compliance is always part of the North American Standard Inspection Program, CVSA is highlighting wheel ends this year as a reminder of their importance to highway safety. According to CVSA, violations involving wheel end components historically account for about 25% of the vehicle out-of-service violations discovered during RoadCheck.
(In 2021 brake systems accounted for 26.5% of all truck out of service conditions.)
FleetOwner reports that "Wheel-end components-specifically brakes and slack adjusters, Fakkema said-support the heavy loads carried by commercial motor vehicles, maintain stability and control, and are critical for braking."
What can you do?
Be prepared. Check your truck’s paperwork before entering the roadway. Perform your pre-trip inspection. Wipe down all DOT tape, reflectors, and lenses on your walk around during your pre-trip inspection. Be respectful to roadside enforcement. Unless exempted from the ELD mandate, be ELD aware – including ELD User’s Manual, ELD malfunction procedures, Instruction sheet for transferring HOS records to inspection officials, and a supply of blank paper logs.
For anyone unfamiliar with the process, here's a quick YouTube on How to Prepare for International RoadCheck 2022:
What to do after a Roadside Inspection?
Submit a copy of the Roadside Inspection Report to a company official. Review the violations carefully. Immediately address the violations noted on the inspection report. Within 15 days, sign the report to certify all violations have been corrected and return to the address indicated on the inspection report. Remember to retain a copy ofthe inspection report for 12 months following the date of inspection.
Don’t agree with the Roadside Violation?
Do not argue with the Roadside Officer during the inspection. Carefully review the regulations, interpretations, and any guidance available regarding the violation. If you feel the roadside violation was applied in error or incorrectly, please explore the DataQ option here: https://dataqs.fmcsa.dot.gov/
Shelly Benisch, TRS, CIC
Commercial Insurance Solutions, Inc.