Looking Both Ways
DAC and PSP Reports
This post of Look Both Ways will explain DAC Reports and how DAC reports differ from PSP Reports. The preceding post addressed the PSP Report specifically.
A company called HireRight, formerly USIS Commercial Services, issues Drive- A- Check Reports. DAC Reports provide verification of a driver’s identification and his or her driving work history within the trucking industry. Only companies that subscribe to DAC through HireRight can post (add to), or obtain a driver’s information. Trucking companies subscribing to DAC obtain reports on drivers to gain a quick overview of the driver’s work history and to verify Previous Employment Verification. In a single step this information is received without faxing or mailing documents to a drivers past employers for information. DOT Regulations mandate verification of a driver’s previous employment for a three year period.
DAC reports contain the following information:
· Name, Social Security Number verification and Date of Birth of the driver.
· The name of the reporting company, and the date their report was submitted.
· The dates the driver worked or was contracted to this company.
· The driver’s license information for the driver while at this company.
· Eligibility for rehire. Usually a Y or N answer.
· Reason for leaving the trucking company (discharged, driver quit….)
· Position or status (Company Driver, Owner Operator, driver for Owner Operator…)
· Equipment Operated (dry van, refer, specialized, straight truck…)
· Experience (Solo, Team, also areas of operation)
· Type of loads hauled (General commodity, steel coils…)
· Work record (Satisfactory, Unsatisfactory, Abandoned equipment…)
The driver’s accident and incident history is then provided and is sorted as DOT reportable and Non-DOT reportable. Each company will also provide instructions to obtain Controlled Substance and Alcohol testing results from them.
Companies are listed in chronological employment date order.
Differences between DAC Reports and PSP Reports:
· PSP Reports contain documented information. PSP reports are not easily altered. DAC reports can contain information that can be opinionated in some fields, such as the reason for leaving the company and the work record (Satisfactory, Abandoned equipment…).
· PSP Report info is provided by the government while DAC Report info is provided by the past employers of the driver.
· PSP Reports contain information on violations discovered on the driver and the vehicle that driver operated during roadside inspections while DAC Reports display information on a driver’s work history.
· DAC records contain data up 10 years. PSP records contain crash data up to 5 years old and roadside inspection data up to three years.
Similarities between the two reports include:
· Prospective employers pay a fee for both reports.
· Prospective employers may use both reports as tools to make hiring decisions on drivers.
· Employers are NOT required to use either report for determination in hiring.
· Drivers can obtain copies of either report containing their information.
· Drivers have a right to challenge or contest incorrect information contained in either report.
I would encourage all drivers to visit http://hireright.com/Consumers-Applicants.aspx to obtain a copy of your DAC report. Upon receipt, review the report for accuracy. Call HireRight’s customer service at 1-800-381-0645 for assistance with filing a dispute. You also have the right to request a listing of companies that have acquired your DAC report for the past two years.
Disclaimer: This blog is NOT intended to give legal advice, nor be a substitute for any training required by the Regulations.
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Till the next blog, thank you drivers for all you do. Please be safe!
John Mueller, CDS
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