It's a Team's Life

You're not getting any Younger
Finally, I reached the decision that I was not getting any younger and I had to get over my embarrassment that people would laugh at me if they knew. I came out of the closet and admitted I was tired of dreaming about playing the drums and I am going to learn. I have never wanted to play in a band only of being able to play a crazy, wild, loud rock song with arms-flailing all over the place.
The problem is I do not really like to make loud noises and I have no clue how any instrument is played. I also did not think I was coordinated enough to have all my limbs doing something different at the same time. While in school my mom tried to get me to join the band but even at that point I did not think I could really play the drums and I refused to join. How things might have been different if I would have joined band and learned to play the drums. At that time though girls played the flute, not drums. I had a lot of reasons why I could not play the drums.
When Bob and I attended concerts I would angle us so we could watch the drummer. My favorite songs always have a lot of drums in them. When driving I tap my foot along with the drum not really having a clue what I am doing but enjoying the music.
Finally last year I bought a practice pad and drum sticks to take along with me in the truck to see how I got along with it. YouTube is a wonderful thing and there is more to watch than I had time to learn. I searched and watched and worked with the practice pad to learn different routines. Still, there are many times when I have to slow the video down to see how the instructor is hitting the practice pad with their drum sticks.
We went home a month later and all of our family went down with me to the local music store to buy my drum kit! Bob who is always amazing decided he would learn how to put the Ludwig drum kit together and test the sound. Our daughter who has known for years of my fear of learning to play the drums could not wipe the smile off of her face that I was finally doing it. The store owners could not have been nicer and no my worst fear did not happen, they did not laugh at me.
Bob and our son-in-law put the kit together and now it was time for the big moment! I hit the snare drum and liked to have jumped out of my skin. Holy cow was it LOUD. Listening to drum players on YouTube is not nearly as loud as sitting at a kit and hitting the crash cymbal. I sat on the drum throne and admired my beautiful drum kit for a bit and then the fun began. I turned on YouTube, started my Drumeo lessons, and began to make a lot of racket. Cannot call what I was doing music by any stretch of the imagination. By the time we left home to go back on the road I was improving and believe it or not I really can make all four of my limbs go in different directions at the same time! I cannot tell you the wonderful feeling inside that I was finally doing something I had dreamed of for years. Now the rest of the family shuts the door to our bedroom while I am playing and turns the TV up.
Each time I look at the drum kit that took me fifty years to buy I wonder why did I wait so darn long? What was I really afraid of? I am glad I am not going to the grave wishing I had at least tried to make my dream come true. Do you have a dream you are putting off?
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.