It's a Team's Life

Which way do we go?
Over the years we have said no to a shower in the sleeper. The showers use to much water, they are hard to maintain, too many are used as a coat closet, the truck stops have pretty nice showers, and with the addition of the truck stop apps, we do not have to mill around waiting for our shower number to be announced on the intercom.
We have talked to drivers who have not used a truck stop shower since they got the one in their truck and others that have never used the shower. One thing I have noticed is that owners of the truck that buy a sleeper with a shower or those that add a shower seem to use it more than drivers for a fleet owner. It would be interesting to do a survey on this subject.
As we are considering this addition to our truck we are watching closely the availability of water and dump stations. Winter seems like a problem to find hydrants that have water and we will be considering possibly fueling at other locations that have dump stations. Will the luxury of having a shower be worth the hassle of having to find water and a dump station?
It looks like the issue of keeping the shower ventilated has been addressed with the vent on the top and that should help to keep it dry and mildew and mold from forming. Now I wonder about hanging up wet towels to dry after a shower? How nice will it be to come in from the rain or snow and have a place to put our coats to dry as well as wet shoes?Â
Hopefully, the shower will be easy to clean and keep wiped down, looking nice, and smelling good? One thing we are really researching is a composting toilet and while we might not have one to start off in this sleeper maybe before very long we will have it figured out. There has to be one that will fit what we are wanting to do that does not use lots of power. We know of at least one truck that has this system and I am sure there are many more out there that have a composting toilet that we do not know about.
So, our journey begins to spec the Freightliner Cascadia to fit our needs, and to spec a Bolt Sleeper to fit our life away from home.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.