It's a Team's Life

What's UP with those Pesky 4-Wheelers?
Los Angeles and rush hour is almost continuous and I was merging during the times when the traffic speed was 20 to 60 mph in short distances.
As I was routing I had to change interstate to highways several times and they were rather quick changes. Looking over at the interstate as I was merging I thought oh no this is going to be tough to go from the left lane to exit on right side in two miles.
As soon as I was merged onto the interstate I flipped on my turn signal and a car coming up on me slowed to let me merge and then this happened again two more times and all of the sudden I was in the lane I needed to be in. Each time I was let over by a car I turned on my flashers to thank them. No stress and I was in the lane I needed to be in. I thought wow that was a fluke to have that many cars let me over.
The next day we came back into Los Angeles and once again this happened and then when leaving Los Angeles once more I had cars let me over. I know this phenomenon does not seem to be the norm but I sure appreciate it when it does happen.
I have found this in the truck when I use the blinkers I get a lot more respect then when we are at home driving our Chevy. Bob added a turn signal to the side of the box and that helps when someone is hanging out beside you to let them know we need to move over into their lane. Now if we could teach others how to use turn signals....