It's a Team's Life

We never know...

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Nov 8th 2010 2:58PM


Our first delivery was one hospital bed at a cancer unit.   This one was easy, as we only had to deal with two buildings on one block.   After one quick question, we were sent around back near their freight elevators.   We used our lift gate to unload the hospital bed onto the pavement.   The invoice on the hospital bed said it was worth $16,000.   This was one of those shipments were no one knew anything but they were sure glad to get the bed.   It was like Christmas.   We took the bed up to the fourth floor and the grinning nurse took it the rest of the way.

Our next stop was at a huge hospital in downtown Dallas and it was a trip.   This hospital was huge and was all over the place.   Everywhere we turned was narrow roads and many people.   Watching people became kind of a game while waiting.   Many came out pushing a pole, clutching their nightgowns and smoking a cigarette.   There were people coming in and out carrying flowers and small gifts.   There were many people milling about and I had to wonder if there was a bus stop near.  

We finally made it back to the docks, which were on the same small road as the emergency entrance.   There were small trucks everywhere and no place to park.   We finally squeezed into a spot and Bob went of on his quest to find the receiving department.   I stayed with the truck as if needed I would be able to move it to another location.   We were in luck they wanted our bedside tables and we were immediately ushered into a dock and off loaded.

One thing about expedite we never know from one day to the next what we will be hauling!

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 5 years been out here on the road ten years
[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.