It's a Team's Life

Thank You Veterans!
Thank You Veterans!
My blog this week is going to pay tribute to the many truck drivers who have served our country both in the military and in trucking. As we celebrate Veteran’s Day this week, this is the perfect time to reflect on our Veterans and the freedoms that their efforts have given us all.
We know many Veterans who have become truck drivers. Whether they drive for a trucking company, are owner operators that have leased onto a company or have gotten their own authority, these men and women have and continue to provide a service to all of us. For that we say, “Thank You!”
Let’s also acknowledge those who have served in other ways to help us. Our fire fighters, police and those in the health and education fields. All of these people have served selflessly in one area or another to make their communities and country the best that it can be. We are forever grateful.
The United States has been called a “melting pot.” Every citizen has a history of how they got to this country. Whether you are a first generation immigrant or your great, great, great, great grandparents came over many years ago. Our history is strong which makes our country strong. Trucking is a sort of “melting pot” as well. So many truck drivers that we have met come from all sorts of different backgrounds. Some drivers used trucking as a way to go back to school to get into the job of their dreams while others left a toxic environment to become entrepreneurs or have a sense of freedom to come and go as they please.
Dave and I are relatively new to trucking. We have only been truck drivers for 12 and 11 years respectively. Even as a young boy, Dave liked trucks. He often talked about wanting to be a truck driver. Life led him in a different direction as he worked in the printing industry for over 30 years. When his last employer let him go as a downsizing measure, Dave saw this as his opportunity to do what he had wanted to do since childhood. I got into trucking a year after Dave. I was not happy in my dead end job. Also, I did not get married to be alone for days and weeks on end. Finally, I love to drive! Even when I was single I took several different road trips both solo and with friends. It just seemed natural to me that I should join Dave in our trucking business.
Regardless of how we all got here, most of us are here to serve. Our loads can consist of automobile parts, food, clothes, electronics and personal items that we all take for granted. Some even haul equipment and supplies for our military. We thank all of you too!
Here’s wishing you millions of safe, profitable and FREE miles!
Kelly Plumb