It's a Team's Life


By Linda Caffee
Posted Oct 13th 2011 2:08AM


When we had our stay at home jobs I often found myself looking forward to the weekends.   The weekend was a chance to get away from the daily grind and have time to spend with family.   Our weekends were always jam packed as we had two very active girls involved in sports, forensics, as well as 4-H.   We were always going somewhere or attending an event.

  We also had horses as well as other animals which we enjoyed spending time with.   I was also silly enough to have a nice yard that required a lot of maintenance.   When we would get home from work the evening chores started that ran till dark or later and then we went inside and took care of those chores.   Not a single complaint here as we had fun and we were a very close-knit family and we were all very involved with each other’s lives.   Then the girls graduated high school  and went on to universities.  

Trucking turned our lives and thinking upside down.   Overnight we went from thinking that we could not wait for the weekend to enjoying everyday of the week.   The yard went out the window and I am sorry to say so did all of the animals which really was the second hardest thing I have ever given up, first was smoking.   While we gave up a lot we gained more than we ever expected.

We enjoy waking up in a different area of the United States and often not knowing from one day to the next which direction we will be going.   The freedom to go with the flow suites our lifestyles to a T.   The truck has become our sanctuary and is really not our home away from home as we spend the majority of  our time is spent in the truck.   We have seen many sites where we never thought about  and how different products are  made or where the product came from.   We never know from day to day what new adventure awaits us.

Truck drivers look at the world much different then we did in our stay at home jobs where we could not wait to get home and let our “real lives” begin.   We now are living our real lives from the time we get up till we go to bed.   When we are running we are making money and as the mile markers click by we know there is another dollar in the bank.   When we are sitting we get everything in order so that we can haul loads to the best of our ability, another way to say it is we make the most of our time no matter if we are sitting or running down the road.  

When it is time to go home we start making plans of all the things we want to get done at home.   I no longer have a yard, I have a pasture and I enjoy mowing when at home but it is for fun not out of necessity.   I have learned that I will never have a yard again and I do not want the constant upkeep that kept me chained.   We are not often home and as such I have very little “stuff”, I have found that also gives me more freedom as the more stuff I have the more I have to maintain.

There are parts of driving a truck that are not fun and some I wish I would never have to do again such as drive on ice.   There are a few others things about trucking I really do not care for but they are not something I care to dwell on as there are way to many plusses that I enjoy and look forward to.  

So bring on the week and the weekends as it is all good!

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.