It's a Team's Life

Sign Sign Everywhere a Sign
The more signs we have the more excuses we have to do dumb things. I do not think the song Signs by Five Man Electrical Band was about the dumbing down of our thoughts but signs work. If a sign does not tell us we cannot do something then we can, right?
Even if someone decided to dry their hair in the bathtub and dropped the hairdryer does everyone else need to be warned not to do this? Do we really need to be told when we order hot coffee that it is going to be hot?
Taking personal responsibility for our actions and doing the right thing almost seems like a lost art. It has become an accepted practice to blame someone else when something goes wrong and the question is asked “Why didn’t you tell me?”
How many signs are we seeing “Wash your hands?” I thought that was a normal practice taught to us in our childhood. How about cover your mouth when you sneeze? California has a great sign “Set Parking Brake” in the rest area. If you do not know to set your parking brake when parking in a truck this might not be the profession for you. The list of signs and warnings are growing with no end in sight.
We are all thinkers and if someone does not know to wash their hands, cover their mouth, or set their parking brake do we really need them to read a sign? When we have to look in the mirror and blame that person for what has happened in our lives or what is happening in our lives we can fix the problem.
We don’t need more signs we need to think. Look at the signs that we see every day and wonder why do we need that sign?
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.