It's a Team's Life

Road Trip Part 2
After our trip to Florida, we were home for two days and it was time to load up the car and head to Omaha. When we left the house it was raining and chilly for May. We were driving one of our daughter's cars which is a Volkswagon something or other. Our daughter and her family were spending a couple of days with her husband's family in Omaha before the trip west.
Overall this car had many of the features our truck has except the comfort. One of the hard things to get used to was the automatic windshield wipers. I was in a battle with them and they finally won. They work when they sense water on the windshield and they work at their own speed. Once I got used to them I pretty much ignored how the wipers and then I got along better with this car. I believe this type of windshield wiper will be on our next truck and I am not as worried as I was as you can turn on and off this feature when needed.
This leg of the trip is 1558 miles. We would be traveling in two cars with four drivers and our four-year-old granddaughter. We spent the night in Omaha and were ready to start our journey with all of the family first thing in the morning… Well not till we had breakfast with our son-in-law's family. This was a leisurely breakfast and we were late getting on the road. The breakfast was really good and we enjoyed the company. Have you ever had Lemon Ricotta Pancakes at First Watch? They were awesome and I am wondering if I can recreate them.
This is where the trip got interesting as our daughter had booked the first night’s stay at the military base in Cheyenne. We realized that was going to make the next day very long and so canceled that reservation. It was up to me to find another hotel. I quickly discovered I am not good at this as I never book hotels. I thought I had found the PERFECT hotel that looked fun and had great reviews. Check this place out Bunk House Motel. I called and booked two rooms and was very impressed with how the booking was handled and could not wait to see our night's lodgings.. Once we pulled it up on the GPS I realized it was not on our route. How is the world I managed that is beyond me and I then had to call and cancel. I had a nice talk with the owner about the surrounding area of the hotel and how nice it would be to go back to that area and visit.
Next, I called a hotel in Laramie and somehow booked a hotel with terrible ratings and reviews. I was officially fired from booking hotels as this hotel was canceled and finally, we found one near the interstate that was perfect. Four places to stay in one day was too much. When we arrived our granddaughter was finally able to get out of the car and play a bit. She has a stick horse and she wanted to play horse show. I was the judge and her performance with her horse earned her a blue ribbon but her mother's performance left me in stitches. (yes I took a video). It was time for bed!
The next day started out with a little wind and we were headed west! We decided to go a little out of route and try a road Bob and I have always wanted to travel. We took highway 30 just west of Little America in Wyoming and really enjoyed the scenery. It was a good road and we will use it someday in the truck.
Late that afternoon we arrived at Mountain Home and checked into our accommodations. The trip was almost over as were to fly back home the next day. We did have enough time to tour the area before we flew out. The playgrounds were awesome as well as many outdoor things to do in the area. Our granddaughter was a trouper. She never complained and stayed very positive about the move. We could not have asked for a better travel companion.
It was time to go home. We flew out of Boise, Id to Denver, to Saint Louis and now it is time to go back to work. We will be glad our next trip will be in the comfort of our Freightliner Cascadia.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.