It's a Team's Life

Road Less Traveled

By Linda Caffee
Posted Nov 2nd 2012 10:50AM


Over the years of driving we usually walk into the truck stop or into a store, always on a smooth surface or when out walking we look for sidewalks.   Over time I have noticed that this has effected my balance and I worry more about falling or my ankles not working the way they should to maintain my balance.

I was walking along on a sidewalk with a destination in mind and before I reached my goal the sidewalk ended.   At this point a decision had to be made, do I look for a different way to get there or do I continue on without the sidewalk?     I decided to continue on my journey without the sidewalk to guide me and picked my way through the landscape to my destination.

As I was walking along enjoying the new challenge of watching the trail, my ankles were working overtime to keep me balanced, and at times I wondered if I might trip and fall.   While keeping my balance on the path I started thinking that most paths traveled in life and while walking are paved and well orchestrated.   It is the challenges in life that make us stronger, both mentally and physically.  

I also realized that metaphorically these moments when we wander off the sidewalk either purposely or accidently can lead to rewarding experiences.  

Once I reached my goal and was back on paved ground I was pleased with my decision to continue on a path that was not as easily traveled.   Don’t get me wrong I am certainly not advocating the removal of sidewalks.   Traveling safely, efficiently and leisurely is not something I do not want to do without on a full time bases.  

In my upcoming blogs I am going to go into some of my other experiences that look like stepping off of the sidewalk was a walk in the park.