It's a Team's Life


By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Dec 16th 2010 5:49AM


We are never asked that question by other drivers as they know the answer!   We work together easily and we enjoy each other’s company.   We rely on each other in reality to keep us safe when sleeping and the other is driving.   If we did not trust each other completely we would not be able to sleep.  

We have a mutual goal to accept loads that will benefit both of us and to improve our business.   We were married twenty years with each of us going to our separate jobs before we started this way of life.   It was scary could we really stand to be with each other for that many hours?   We had to learn to argue differently and to put our feelings aside when a load offer arrives on the Qualcomm.

We meet many teams out here and we have found over all that there is a high level of respect and friendship between each other.   We have finally found a large group of people that we fit in with and are not the odd balls.  

We have found often that when we meet up with other couples that the husband talks to Bob and the wife talks to me and then the conversation turns and we all get to talking.   We each pretty versed on what affects our trucks, businesses and our lifestyle.  

We have found that even though we are together all of the time we still have lots to talk about and we are still able to have our own lives!   Bob has his friends he enjoys talking to and I have my friends I enjoy talking to.   It is funny even though we are together all of the time we still forget to tell each other things.

When we are at home we both have tons of things we do and we take off our separate directions as much as can as we only have one personal vehicle.   We still end up going places with each other to run and get parts or to pick up something at the store.   I have found if we do not talk or see each other for a couple hours we call each other to see what is going on.  

We enjoy meeting with other people or going to functions, but both of us are glad when we can get back into the peace and quiet of our truck.