It's a Team's Life

Recovering from MATS

By Linda Caffee
Posted Apr 3rd 2012 11:12AM


While sitting in a safe haven over the weekend waiting to deliver on Monday gave me a chance to contemplate the past couple of weeks.   We start preparing for truck shows well in advance due to promoting walks and blood drives with the Trucking Solutions Group and as the truck show nears our anticipation grows by leaps and bounds.

I thought about the drivers we talked to during the show and all of the different strategies of  how to attend a truck show and they are all work.   Some drivers go to the show to relax for a few days while looking at gorgeous trucks. Some drivers attend the show to meet with their friends and enjoy each other’s company.   There is no wrong way to attend a truck show.  

We go to the truck show to work and we manage to get a lot of work done from the time we get up till we go to bed.   We have a personal agenda of vendors and people we need to see, we have our business agenda of vendors and people we need to see, and then we have our professional agenda of events we are hosting and events we are attending.  From the time we arrive on the shows property till we leave we are in constant motion and we like it.

Bob and I split up during truck shows as both of us have our favorite people we like to see and visit with and if we stayed together we would not get this done.   Each year we miss seeing someone and always regret it and say we will get better at the next truck show. We try to see these people first during our free time which we have very little of and usually consists of an afternoon.   We have several commitments during shows that we need to attend and people we have appointments to meet with.   We can be seen at a brisk walk between events and I often have another driver or vendor walking with me as we try to catch up with each other during this short span of time.

Before the show I create a schedule of where and when we must be and this works out really well for us as we have a basic idea of where each of us are at about any given time of the day or evening.   While to some this does not sound like fun to us it is a blast and the reason why we look forward to every show we attend.  

MATS has an additional bonus of the gathering of drivers and vendors on Saturday night in Papa Johns parking lot and our group breakfast at the Cracker Barrel on Sunday morning.   We enjoy this evening and morning to get our last visiting done and to start winding down.  

We are all ready looking forward to the Expedite Expo!

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.