It's a Team's Life

Peace and Quiet

By Linda Caffee
Posted Jan 7th 2012 2:04AM


I was reading a blog by Salena, The Daily Rant about background noise and her thoughts started me thinking about sound.

Rattles will send me on an in-depth search until the source is found and quieted.   The Cascadia has no rattles and lets in very little engine noise.   The Bolt sleeper is also insulated and does not allow much road noise to penetrate the walls.

We listen to a couple shows on the radio while driving and do not have TV so there is very little noise pollution inside the truck.   We have learned to enjoy the sound of silence and spend much of our time reading, playing games or quietly working.  

Cable left our house when the girls were in high school and has never returned.   We immediately found we had more time to spend with each other as a family and became closer.   TV shows no longer ruled our lives and was no longer an unwanted guest talking continuously in our home.  

In the truck we have learned to ignore some of the din such as trucks idling, trucks starting or backing into a spot and setting their brakes, and reefers.   We prefer to sleep where none of this noise happens, but that is not always possible.  

We really enjoy our ONAN Generator as it is very quiet and we can barely hear it running.   The Espar heater quietly puts out massive amounts of heat and keeps the sleeper toasty and warm.  

Background racket now causes stress and an antsy feeling that cannot be shook until there is no more noise.   It is nice to go home to a quiet area where the sounds of nature are most often heard and we are often wakened cattle mooing or a chicken crowing.  

Salina’s blog can be found:

The Daily Rant