It's a Team's Life

One Day at a time

By Linda Caffee
Posted Feb 15th 2012 12:04AM


Weight gain is a constant battle for me when out in the truck and most of the time I feel like I am at war.   My mind says one thing and my stomach says another and it is a toss up on who will win.

A few years ago when freight was slow it was easy to get out and walk several miles every day.   During that year it was easy to walk a thousand miles and also learn more about nutrition.   Freight is better now and it is harder and harder to get away from the truck and exercise.   The weight is slowly creeping back on.

The pantry looks much different then it did several years ago.   There is very little processed food in there and no sweets.   The refrigerator is packed to the gills with fresh vegetables, fruits, lean meats, as well as fish.    My lunch bag is packed totally different then it was several years ago.

Our youngest daughter passed on an idea that works really well in the truck.   I have started creating vegetable snack bags.   On the weekend I buy several different vegetables such as; radishes, grape tomatoes, bell pepper, asparagus, celery, broccoli, cauliflower, and sugar snap peas.   I wash and chop the vegetables and then make the snack bag adding a little of each vegetable to each bag.   The bags are less then 100 calories, healthy, easy to snack on while driving, and they taste great.  

We had taken our Wii out of the truck when we were able to get out and walk but have since added it back as well as hand weights and stretch bands.   I still prefer to walk but if that is not a possibility I will fill in with these other exercises.   I will turn the weight gain around once again and head into the right direction.

One of the outcomes of this healthy eating has been our blood test.   Both of us have always had low blood pressure and that has stayed consistent.   We watched Bob’s cholesterol slowly rise each time we had a physical.   Out last two physicals have shown a marked improvement in the elevated numbers and there is no need of medicine.  

While our blood work shows us to be healthy our weight needs to be lower and I will continue on with the battle to keep us both healthy and weighing less.  

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.