It's a Team's Life

Oil Change at 50,000 miles

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Sep 3rd 2011 2:06PM

We took the Cascadia into a Detroit Diesel shop in Wichita, KS and had the oil changed as well as fuel and oil filters.   Bob decided to go to fully synthetic oil and he choose Mobil Delvac 1 5W40 and it took 9.5 gallons to fill her up.    It is hard to imagine that the recommended oil change intervals are 50,000 miles and that the truck uses no oil.   Bob said the Cascadia had used less then a pint of oil.   While the synthetic oil was initially expensive in the long run we believe it will save us money in our fuel costs.  

When we get home a new OPS-1 system will be waiting for Bob to install on the truck.   We had this system on our old truck and we were very happy with it.   Bob will change the OPS-1 oil filter at 25,000 and will send off a sample of oil to be tested.   If there is a problem with the oil sample we will receive a call and if everything is all right we are emailed the information that I will save as part of the history of the truck.

In some ways it is like creating a baby album… I have pictures of our truck as a day cab and then having the sleeper put on and then in her first truck show at MATS.    I will continue to document everything this truck is involved in and also what we change on the truck to increase our fuel mileage.   The other part of the “baby book” is like baby’s first steps and doctor’s visits.   Each time we work on the truck or have general maintenance done a copy of the statement is added to the book.   When we sold our M2 the book was about two inches thick.


Fuel Economy 11.58 average speed 52.1 since day one of motor

We are still in awe of our Cascadia and the performance we are getting out of the truck.   I am attaching our first DDEC report and we have found the report reads our fuel mileage as a little better then what I have figured by the odometer.  


DD13 best fuel mileage for 24 hours

639.1 miles at 14.05 mpg

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


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