It's a Team's Life

Oatman Arizona
Not much room for a truck but easily visited in a personal vehicle. The highlight of the trip was to see all of the “wild” burros that live in town and wait for tourists to buy alfalfa pellets and offer them up.
As we drove into town we started seeing the burros in the desert watching the roadway or beside the roadway bumming treats. I am sure they do not have a healthy diet. The burros were all shapes and colors with one thing in common, they did not mind people.
Oatman village is a small mining town in the Black Mountains of Mohave County and yes it was HOT. The town grew to about 3500 people in the space of a year when two prospectors struck a 10 million gold find in 1915. Then the town slowly lost population and in 1924 the largest employer shut down the mines and it basically became a ghost town.
The population in 2010 was 128 and not enough to count in 2016. The stores that are still open sell all types of trinkets and were interesting to wander through. The sidewalks are made of boards and often you have to maneuver around one of the burros.
You have to wonder how long so few people will be able to keep Oatman alive.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
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