It's a Team's Life

New Blood Truck Drivers
As of this writing the average age of a truck driver is close to 50 years old. Over the years this age has been very slowly creeping up and up. From a 2021 study most of the truck drivers over 60 percent fall in the 25 to 55 age bracket. Interesting stat that most of our peers fall in that bracket since most everyone says that there is no new blood in truck driving. The same study says that over 30 percent are over 55. With the under 25 accounting for less than 10 percent. With a regulation of Over The Road (OTR) drivers have to be 21 years or older that could account for a small percentage that are under 25.
Does that mean we are not getting any “new” blood into driving trucks? Interesting question, recently there has been a push to all as young as 18 years old run OTR. Currently those under 21 can run intrastate only.
So, lets take a look at other industries average age. These numbers come from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) last modified in January 2023. US Bureau of Labor Statistics
· Agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting – 48
· Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas extraction – 42
· Construction – 42
· Manufacturing – 44
· Wholesale and retail trade – 40
· Transportation and utilities (Note: This includes Truck Drivers) – 43
· Information – 42
· Financial activities – 45
· Professional and business services – 42
· Education and health services – 43
· Leisure and hospitality – 33
· Other services – 43
· Public administration - 46
Looking at the BLS numbers it looks like the Transportation category is in the middle of the average age for that industry.
The trucking industry currently has just under 1.5 million drivers. Of those 92 percent are men and 8 percent are women. Over the past years more women are getting into driving a truck for example in 2010 women only made-up 6 percent.
We found a website that breaks down the truck driver demographics. This is for the year 2021,
So, back to the original question are we getting “new” blood into truck driving under 25 years old? It is hard to tell weather we are or not.
Sandy & Stephen
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