It's a Team's Life
MATS After Action Report
Here is to another successful Mid America Tuck Show. It feels like we walked a million miles each day and our bodies let us know that and we probably did. We arrived in the Cardinals Stadium free parking for trucks (provided by TA/Petro) on Wednesday around 1130 to meet up with our group. We were the second of our group to arrive. Everyone slowly starting to show up we invite the neighbors to the cook out which started at 1700. After eating it was time to relax and visit and catchup with the group.
The next morning, we were up early and cooking breakfast. Then headed to the free shuttle bus (also provided by TA/Petro) to get to the convention center. We arrived and got our badges and headed into the wonders to be seen and people to talk to.
Our first stop was to one of our good friends Mother Trucker Yoga. Hope is a wonderful person and helps truckers get fit with simple things you can do while trucking. She has been on a number of our Trucking Solutions Group calls helping each of us with questions we have had.
Since we were already in the West hall it was a good place to start and stop at the booths we had on our list to visit. Here are just a few of the booths that we visited with in the West Hall: Gear Head Lube, Truckers Against Trafficking and MD Alignment. The crowd was light since we had VIP passes which gets us into the show four hours before the regular badge holders can get in.
Also, while in the West Hall we ran into Kristy and Carol from On Time Media. They were at the show to talk to vendors about coming to the Expedite Expo in July in Fort Wayne, IN. It was a very nice and short visit since they were going to try and cover the entire show on Thursday. Thanks, you two for taking the time to chat with us.
Once we finished the West hall we headed to the Lobby to get Sandy registered for Women In Trucking Salute to Women event Friday night.
Into the North Hall was next. Where were stopped by the following booths: OOIDA, Hot Shots Secrets, Lucas Oil Products, Landstar, BlueParrot and TA/Petro to name a few. At Hot Shots we ordered our next years supplies of products since at the show is the best discount. The TA/Petro to talk to the Verizon folks about our cell phone plan and get samples of coffee.
Now time for some lunch. We headed up to the Landstar hospitality room and got lunch and listen to a few presentations. We eat lunch all three days in the Landstar hospitality room they always put on a nice spread for the Business Compacity Owners (BCO).
After lunch onto the South and East Hall. These hall have the truck, trailer, sleeper, etc manufactures. We stopped by the Freightliner and ARI sleepers to visit. At the Freightliner booth we got to talk with the three Team Run Smart Pros (Clark, Henry and Jimmy). Team Run Smart includes a lineup of professional drivers to represent five distinct categories in the profession to serve as industry resources.
To end the day another, cook out at the parking lot with our group and invited guest. Again, after eating it was time to catchup on the day’s events and the plan of attack for Friday.
Friday morning was breakfast and head over to catch the shuttle bus. This day we spend visiting the booths we did not get to on Thursday and presenting a workshop. Our workshop was presented by our most of our Trucking Solutions Group. We as a group explain how a peer group can help you in your business. We described how we have a weekly conference call with either just the members or we will have a guest speaker. The main topics were how we have guest speakers from the industry, focus group, etc. We discussed maintenance, truck stop issues and fuel discount programs. The last topic we covered is our Whitty Banter. This is where we rib/pick on each other.
We cookout again Friday night and visit with the group and invited guest to our cookout. Most of us are pretty worn out and don’t make it long and are in bed and asleep early….not as young as we once were.
Saturday morning is cooking breakfast and then catch the shuttle. This day we use as those booths we saw in our travels the we would like to stop at. We also stop by and say good bye and see you next year to people.
We head home on Saturday afternoon after the show closes. This turned out to be a good year at the show we made some new networking contacts and learned about some new (to us) products.
We are looking forward already to next years Mid America Truck Show.
Sandy & Stephen
We’re Burning Daylight - “Wil Anderson” (The Cowboys) John Wayne