It's a Team's Life

MATS 2012 almost over….

By Linda Caffee
Posted Mar 24th 2012 2:19AM


Thursday is what I called our free day, which is funny the free day meant we had one day to see all the vendors we could possibly squeeze in.   We had one exciting meeting in the morning before the show started and then we were free!

We were able to meet with a few people we have talked to many times on the phone who work for Michelin and it was great to put faces to names.   The people from Michelin are always interesting in the expedite segment of trucking and the mileage we get with our wide base single tires.

I was able to stop by and see Kevin and Leesa Rutherford’s show within a show area and talk with a few of the vendors.   It is always nice to talk with the guys from Air Tabs and Bob was able to stop and visit with the folks running the Micro Blue booth, which is an area we are learning more about. We also spent time in the Freightliner booth admiring the new concept truck.


Friday morning started out with our annual Trucking Solutions Group meeting at 6:00 and from their we were off to the convention center to get ready for the walk. The weather, which up to this point was amazing, did not cooperate.   We woke to the sound of pouring rain and this continued off and on all day.   We had over fifty people brave the elements and attend our walk.   It was great watching drivers pair up with industry leaders and head off for a walk.

Next we attended the FedEx Custom Critical Breakfast that was a packed house.   We were thrilled to see Virginia Albanese, CEO of FXCC and listen to her welcome.   Ryan Henery spoke about the rebranding of the fleet and which trucks would be eligible for the new red signs.   Ryan gave a great talk and answered the many questions that were asked.  

After the breakfast we stood out in the pouring rain with the American Red Cross bloodmobile and wondered if anyone would make the wet trek out to the bus to donate a pint of blood.   All of the outside booths were shut down but at the last count over eighteen drivers had made waded out in the rain to the bus.   I am very proud to say many of those drivers were fellow expediters.  

Our Trucking Solutions group next attended a luncheon sponsored by TA/Petro with a room filled with fellow drivers who have been part of the TA/Petro focus groups.  Bob and I were placed at Tom O’Brian’s table, CEO of this chain of truck stops.   We have met Tom several times and he is fun to talk with and listen to. Tom gave an update of where the truck stop chain was a year ago, where they are now, and some of their plans for the future.   Tom is great at taking notes and listening to drivers concerns and suggestions.

Next I attended a session with the Truck Buddy International Group and listened in on talks given by the driver of months.   These drivers are very inspirational on how they interact with their schools and classes.   I am inspired to do more with our class in the United States and our class in France.

The day ended with a group meeting between the Women in Trucking Board of Directors and the Driver Advisory Committee, which was very interesting.   The meal was fun and I am sure was the first of many and will lead to even better events in the future.

This morning I am looking forward to the Salute to Women Drivers and this evening to a great Pizza Party in the Expedite Area of the Papa Johns parking lot!  


Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.