It's a Team's Life

Let’s step back in time
Expediting is usually synonymous with I will pay extra to have my product shipped ASAP as I need the shipment NOW. That is good for our income and our business but also keeps us in a constant state of rush rush rush.
Every so often our routes take us away from the hustle of the interstate and down two-lane roads in the middle of nowhere. Life is usually slower on these two-lane roads due to many factors. Many of these roads take us through the deserts of California or the farm fields of Kansas and in my mind back in time when we were not in a constant rush.
Being from a rural area these roads remind me of my childhood and going home or with the family on an adventure. After many miles we see a vehicle in the distance and as they approach we notice more about this single vehicle and how many occupants are in the car. More often than not as the driver of the vehicle approaches they give a friendly wave and automatically we give on back. It is nice in these desolate areas to see another human.
Often, we will see if a car is broke down someone else has stopped to offer assistance and usually, we do not have a cell phone signal. Before going on these back roads, it is wise to check the fuel level of your vehicle and have lots of water and a few snacks on hand. Not having a cell phone signal and driving along in complete silence looking at the scenery calms my mind. I watch for animals on the road and out in the desert. When a small house is spotted I always wonder what they do for a living?
As I was thinking these about back roads while driving a car came up behind me and as they had a faster speed limit then I did I started looking for a pull out so they could easily pass me. As one was spotted I slowed and turned on my turn signal and as I got onto the pull out I slowed just enough for them to pass and then pulled back onto the road behind them. They brought a smile to my face as this car flashed their tail lights at me in thanks.
There are many two-lane roads in Texas that I really enjoy driving on as they pass through some really interesting small towns. The shops on
How many of you enjoy the leisurely life of two-lane roads?
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.