It's a Team's Life

Let It Snow
Winter is fast approaching “YUCK”. What does that mean, we will start seeing that dreaded four letter cuss word “snow”. We took a load to Bayfield, WI the second week of October and ran into that cuss word unloading and driving. Earlier in the week we were in Florida delivering a Hurricane support load and it was sunny and in the 80’s.
The locals told us it was a little early for the area to be getting snow. The prediction was they were to get two to three inches that day and next week they could get another twelve inches.
This was US51 just south of Hurley, WI on Oct 14th.
Ice build up on the mirrors in just this little bit of snow on the 14th.
This got us to thinking of going over tips for driving on snow or icy roads.
· Slow down – Take all the time you need to get to your destination. No load is worth getting it there on-time if that means driving too fast for conditions.
· Stay away from packs – Maximize the space around your truck. Do whatever you have too do get away from packs of vehicles.
· Don’t follow tail lights – If you can see the tail lights of a vehicle in front of you back off you are following too close that vehicle.
· Don’t push limits – Know that limits of yourself and your equipment. Never try and push them. It is not worth putting yourself or equipment in danger.
· Park it – If your instincts are telling you that you are pushing beyond what you feel comfortable with then find a safe place and park. No load is worth your life and/or damaging your equipment. After you park let your truck sit for about 30 minutes and the pull forward or backwards to move off of the melted snow under your hot tires.
· Carry aggregate – Something like kitty litter. Your tires get hot and when sitting the snow under the tires can turn to ice. Kitty litter can help give you the little traction you need to get going.
· Keep your windshield clean/clear – Being able to see is important keep your windshield clean and clear of snow and ice. Make sure you have windshield cleaner that does not freeze and keep the reserve full. Carry extra cleaner on the truck.
· Keep lights clear – Make sure and check and clean/clear your head and tail lights. Today’s LED lights do not produce heat and snow will build up on your lights. Check them each time you stop.
· Never park on shoulder – Other vehicles on the road could mistake you as driving and run into you.
· Stay away from Jake Brake – Never use the jake brake on snowy or icy roads.
· Don’t over brake – Don’t over use the brakes unless you are totally straight.
· Fuel – Keep your tanks topped off. If you get stuck out on the road and no one can get to you.
· Tire pressure – Make sure the pressure in your tires have the proper pressure.
It is recommended to have following items you should carry in your truck.
· Warm clothing, insulated socks, winter gloves, mittens if you like them, stocking cap.
· Lined and waterproofed winter boots.
· Blankets and sleeping bag for warmth.
· Food and water.
· Candles or propane hitter and matches or lighter. This is for warmth in case you cannot idle.
· Fuel additives to keep diesel from gelling.
· Methyl hydrate for use in fuel lines and can be used in fuel also.
· Extra fuel filters and tools to replace them if needed.
· Extra windshield washer fluid.
· Tire chains or something similar. Some states require you to carry tire chains certain times of the year.
To recap slow down. Use your own common sense of when you can go or stay put. Don’t little to others that you should be going. Your safety is more important than getting that load through. Customers understand and rather have you deliver the load in one piece than not at all.
Sandy & Stephen
Pinch Hitting for TeamCaffee