It's a Team's Life

Knoxville Workshop 2011

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Feb 21st 2011 3:37AM


When we arrived there were all ready several people in the room some sitting around chatting others gathering up information.   At the beginning of a workshop we have found everyone is a little nervous and not sure what to expect.   This makes it fun for us to be the first speakers of the evening.  

First things first I find out my overhead presentation was not compatible with the computer being used.   I had twelve minutes to run upstairs and save the Keynote to a format the Windows machine could recognize.    There went pre presentation nerves, as I did not have time.   I was able to follow Shawn’s advice and save the presentation in the correct format.  

Shawn who is an employee of On Time Media presented each of the speakers and vendors and we were ready to begin.   We knew a few people in the audience, which is a big help to me as I can use them as a focal point to come back to after scanning the room.   Bob and I work back and forth talking about subjects that we are  the most comfortable with.

During the previous workshops we were asked many questions and as I knew this was going to be a larger crowd I has worked in a little extra time for this.   When I looked at the crowd and asked for questions there was NOTHING…   I thought to my self-wow this is going to be interesting.   Where we so far off mark no one had a clue what we were talking about or had we addressed his or her questions?

Finally a few questions were asked, but still not enough to fill in the time so I had to get busy and start filling in.   What we found is this crowd maybe due to the size asked many questions in-between speakers, which was a shame as I am sure others wanted to know the replies.    

We spent at least an hour after the workshop discussing with various attendees’ different aspects of expediting and learned more about their background.   We felt as if this crowd was a very good one with serious people wanting to get into this business as well educated as they can be.  

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.