It's a Team's Life

It's not just the drivers

By Linda Caffee
Posted Dec 6th 2012 3:55AM


"Ways to improve Trucking's image" was in the November issue of HDT and covered areas where the companies need to work to improve all of our images.   Usually I read about what drivers need to do and how drivers need to improve the image of trucking.   This is a shared responsibility.

Elisabeth Barma, vice president of Outreach at ATA, is quoted often in the article of ways for companies to improve their images by becoming involved in their communities.   It appears to me to be a win win situation for companies to support their drivers getting involved in the plethora of activities that are available.

One paragraph was on getting involved in our communities by being in parades, school events, and also speaking at various organizations about the trucking industry.   Get people up in the cab and let them see what the world looks like from our point of view.   One idea I like that the ATA has is having someone sit in the drivers seat and have someone move into and out of our blind spot.

Companies getting involved in special convoys and there are a lot of trucking convoys out there.   Drivers cannot afford to do many of these events on their own and need the support of their companies whose name is on the side of their truck.  

Being proactive with the media when one of their drivers does something above and beyond let the public know not just the trucking industry.   Local papers of where a driver lives can have a huge impact, as the local community often knows that driver.  

Improving the image of trucking involves all of us from us drivers, the companies and also the media.   Presenting a positive image helps each and every one of us.  

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

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