It's a Team's Life

Itchy Feet
This year so far has been interesting as we have been able to stop by the house a couple times while under a load or after delivering in Saint Louis, MO. The unexpected home time was usually for a day and that gave me time to get bedding washed, go through the mail, and Bob a chance to decide what he needed or did not need stored in the truck.
Each year we have a barn party (Barnapalooza) at our house and we plan home time around the event. This year was no exception and we stayed out a little longer so we could stay home a little longer. Barnapalooza is a lot of fun as we get to see and visit our neighbors that we only see once a year. Also family and friends fly in and we get a chance to see them as well. It is great fun and lasts two days.
After all of these years we still do not have getting home perfected as we both run around like chickens with our heads cut off trying to get everything done at once. Unload the truck, wash clothes, clean out the refrigerator, and then put everything back in the truck. We are grouchy, exhausted, and stressed for the first couple of days at home and then we finally catch ourselves and slow back down. This time was no different.
Bob takes the truck out to the shop and he starts on his projects and work on my projects that I have been saving up. I bring in my storage box and clean out my receipts and BOL's and file them away. Every time we are at home I also do a computer backup to a storage device that never leaves the house.
This is the first chance since buying our truck we have been able to have it home so Bob can really start making the truck our truck. He had a LED light project he wanted to work on and he also had some work he wanted to do on the lift gate. Bob got everything he needed done and now he is starting to get restless on what project he should start next that he could finish before we leave. We will stay out about two months before we are scheduled to return home.
Our phone rang with a great load offer on Tuesday for a pickup for the following Tuesday that fit into our plans perfectly. Now that we know when we are leaving, where we are going to, and what our load consists of we are getting anxious to get back in the truck and head off into the sunrise!
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
[email protected]
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.