It's a Team's Life

GPS Saves the night!

By Linda Caffee
Posted Sep 9th 2011 5:30AM


As Bob was getting closer and closer to San Diego he started noticing that there were very few lights in the distance where there should have been lots.   As we got closer to San Diego we realized there were virtually NO lights….

We were very thankful for our GPS as we got off on the interstate, as it was pitch black and the street signs were very hard to read.   We were easily able to know before hand what the next street would be even though they were not illuminated.   We could see the hotel off in the distance that we were heading for and knew our next challenge would be to find the dock area.

We have found that the large hotels hide the docks from view so that their patrons do not see the working side of a hotel.   We have had some very interesting times trying to find docks that are located under a hotel.   We slowly circled the hotel as their was virtually no traffic and we were able to spot a small sign pointing in the directions of their docks.

We pulled in and stopped so that we could get out and look around on foot to see where we needed to position the truck to be out of the way.   One of the workers came over and told Bob they had been having difficulties most of the day!   The Sheraton is no different from the other large hotels they have a backup generator to keep the hotel going.   Their problem was the generator ran out of fuel and they were desperately trying to syphon fuel from their other not essential generators.   As we were watching they must have finally fired up the generator as the hotel slowly came back to life.

I found this information on the blackout after we were parked:

The outage was accidentally triggered about 4 p.m. Thursday when an electrical worker removed a piece of monitoring equipment at a power substation in southwest Arizona, officials at Phoenix-based Arizona Public Service Co. said.


It was unclear why that mishap, which normally would have been isolated locally, triggered such a widespread outage. The company said that would be the focus of a probe.

The San Diego area was hit especially hard with power severed to all of San Diego Gas & Electric Co.'s 1.4 million household and business customers, the company said.



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