It's a Team's Life

Gone a Month?

By Bob & Linda Caffee
Posted Jan 6th 2011 2:50AM

When I start the process of packing the truck I keep in mind how long we will be out and also the time of year.   We will be out the short time of only a month so I know we will run into bitter cold and also the chance of slightly cold.   I will pack our coats, long johns, blankets, scarves, mittens and warmer pajamas.

Molly (our 15 year old Cocker Spaniel) also has to have her coat and sweaters.   She is just like us and is used to the warmth of the truck.   Since she is older she seems to get cold quickly and I have watched her come out of the sleeper, look outside, and start shivering!   She is also on medication for kidney failure so I have enough medicine and her special food to stay out two months.

Bob takes care of the necessities of maintaining the truck.   He will bring extra windshield washer and all 911 along with his other supplies.    The 911 is a product to stop diesel from gelling. We have been very lucky and only once has the generator tried to gel up and Bob was able to get that under control.   I want to be prepared, that if the truck and generator was to gel up and we had no heat we would be able to stay warm.

While at home I freeze leftovers to bring with us.   I freeze the leftovers in Baggies and shape them into the shape of a book.   My freezer looks like a library at times with all the little Baggies lined up.   I also pack soup and comfort type food to eat while we are on the road.   I have learned over the years I do not need to get carried away with food, as there is a grocery store in every city.

I clean up our bedroom on the last day, washing sheets and getting the room ready for the next time we are home.   We are very fortunate that our oldest daughter maintains our house, our few acres, our mail, and all of our appointments.   We have had it both ways to where we left our house empty and this way with Nicki taking care of us.   There is a lot less stress while on the road knowing someone is looking after our property and belongings.  

Tomorrow the truck will be loaded and we will be waiting for the phone call and the load that puts us back on the road!

Bob & Linda Caffee
Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical
Saint Louis MO
Expediters 6 years been out here on the road 11 years
[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.