It's a Team's Life

Going home often is STRESSFUL
Very few and really, I know of no expedite company that has directional dispatch. Every once in a while, we hear of a dedicated run that an expediter is on that gets them home often but, these are few and far between. This means once we leave home who knows when we will be back. Sometimes we have an appointment at home that we have to keep and as the date gets closer we start watching what loads we take so that we can stay closer to home. Knowing that we will probably have to deadhead means we have to keep money in reserve to buy our fuel.
This year, 2018 our children have needed us more often than they have since they were very young. Our youngest daughter with our granddaughter needed my help to babysit for a week while she went to school away from home. My job was to watch the baby during the day while she was in class, the next week she was in class our oldest daughter was there to help her. As a breastfeeding mom away from home she really appreciated our help. Next, our oldest daughter is having surgery and she needs help to get her home from the hospital and be there for a period of time till she is able to take care of herself. Once again it is family to the rescue and I will have the hospital and the first week with her while Brandy and our granddaughter will take care of her the second week.
It seems as if each month this year we have had somewhere we needed to be which required us to head for the house, drop off the truck, and go somewhere else. Much of this has been work related which kept our income stream intact. What has been driving me crazy is getting in the truck to only stay out a couple of weeks. What to put in the refrigerator and what clothes to take back on the road with us. Funny how much stress this has caused me and I really dislike over packing for anything. Why carry something out to the truck and then carry it back in a few weeks later unused? This thinking, of course, has led me to “Why in the world did I leave that at home?”
The problem with going home often is I keep forgetting necessary things and now I am really worried that when we finally get to leave for our customary few months what will I forget? I am hoping this next time home will be our last until after the Expedite Expo in July and then I know we have to be home again as we are expecting very important visitors. I think before we leave I will go through the house twice opening every drawer and cupboard. After we get into the truck and before we drive off I will go through every cupboard and cubby hole to make sure everything is in its place.
What I have discovered is going home too often is way too stressful.
Bob & Linda Caffee
Saint Louis MO
Expediters since January 2005
Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle;
Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;
Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;
Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.