It's a Team's Life

Gittin' Giddy

By Linda Caffee
Posted May 6th 2014 12:50AM


This year we pushed out how long we stayed away from home due to  weather conditions.   We usually plan on home time every two to three months but this time we went almost four months.   We are perfectly comfortable in our sleeper and we do not worry about our house or property as our oldest daughter lives there, but as it neared our time to be home I was down to counting minutes.


We were home 15 days and the time flew by.   We had work to get done on the truck and we had projects we wanted to get taken care of at the house.   Before we knew it we were getting ready to load the truck once again.   Bob and I had taken out most of our winter clothes; we leave in one sweatshirt each and our jackets.   I repacked our baskets with summer clothes and they were ready to go back to the truck.

We spend our last day at home before going back in service loading back everything we took out of the truck.   The routine is the same, turn on the refrigerator, make the bed with all clean sheets and blankets, hang our uniforms, load our groceries, load our clothes and leave last minute things in the house.   Then wait for the call....

This time leaving the house we had a military load so we did not have to leave ASAP and could plan out our day and arrive rested to our pickup.   The load took us on a drive I enjoy and I had to laugh as I was almost as excited to get back in the truck and get moving as I had been fifteen days before on our way home.  

Our first trip is a long one and I wondered how quick I could get back into my sleeping pattern in the truck and I was glad that I had no problems.   It is good to be back on the road and this time we will not be staying out as long.   Plan is to go home in July for a few days before heading to the Expedite Expo.  

Bob & Linda Caffee


Saint Louis MO

Expediters since January 2005

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.