It's a Team's Life

Fun Activities at the Expedite Expo!

By Linda Caffee
Posted Jul 23rd 2012 2:07AM

July 27th and 28th are packed and there is very little time for sleep!

There is a lot to do at the Expedite Expo and I suggest wearing comfortable clothing and walking shoes.  


Outside the Old Time Truck Show will be going on displaying some really nice antique trucks.    I always enjoy looking at the truck and glad that I did not have to drive one of these trucks full time.  


Henry Albert, Slice of Trucker Life will be outside once again to talk about his 2011 Cascadia, his aerodynamics and his fuel mileage.    Henry always enjoys meeting new people, please stop by and tell him Linda says Hi!

Great Giveaways


Inside many of the vendors have great giveaways and I suggest looking at the list and getting signed up!  

List of Getaways

Casino Night Friday July 27th 7:00 to 10:00 pm


Casino Night is packed, loud and hilarious.   Bob really enjoys Casino Night and he is all way right in the thick of things.   I have peeked in the room while some of the antics are going on and it is funny!   Bob says the dealers are fun and keep the players on their toes!   CIS and Progressive Insurance really do a great job with this.

Casino Night Details


The Drivers Sponsor a BBQ on Saturday July 28th and ask that everyone attending the BBQ bring a side dish, drinks, or a dessert to share.   On Time Media supplies the meat, the tables and the tent.   If you have a lawn chair you might want to bring that as well.   The BBQ is a great way to unwind and relax.

BBQ for all Attendees details

Flea Market

The flea market will be held in the parking lot surrounding the BBQ.   This will be the first year for the flea market and we hope that this will benefit drivers needing supplies and an outlet for drivers to get rid of equipment that is no longer needed.    

Corn Hole Games


In 2011 we were able to play Corn Hole inside the convention center!  This year due to what I have heard about the Expo selling out we will probably set the boards up in the evening outside. 

Bob & Linda Caffee

Leased to: FedEx Custom Critical 


Saint Louis MO

Expediters 7 years been out here on the road 12 years

[email protected]


Expediting isn't just trucking, it's a lifestyle; 

Expediting isn't just a lifestyle, it's an adventure;

Expediting isn't just an adventure, it's a job;

Expediting isn't just a job, it's a business.