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FMCSA UCR Rule for 2025
This past Monday June 17, 2024 the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) published the new Unified Carrier Registration (UCR) fees for 2025. Unlike the past couple of years, the fees have gone up right at 25 percent. The FMCSA believes this is the first raise in fees since 2010.
You might ask what is the UCR and what are the fees used for.
The UCR Act was first passed 2005 and enacted that same year. It was a section of a larger bill called the Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act, A Legacy for Users (“SAFETEA-LU”). Wow that one is a mouth full.
You can read the UCR Act here: UCR Act
The fees are used by participating states for motor carrier safety programs and enforcement. Those states that participate in the UCR can be found here. UCR Participating States Map
As shown in the table below, the SBA size standards for the national industries under the Truck Transportation and Transit and Ground Transportation subsectors range from $19.0 million to $43.0 million in revenue per year. To determine the percentage of firms that have revenue at or below SBA’s thresholds within each of the NAICS national industries, FMCSA examined data from the 2017 Economic Census.17 In instances where 2017 data were suppressed, the Agency imputed 2017 levels using data from the 2012 Economic Census.18 Boundaries for the revenue categories used in the Economic Census do not exactly coincide with the SBA thresholds. Instead, the SBA threshold generally falls between two different revenue categories. However, FMCSA was able to make reasonable estimates as to the percentage of small entities within each NAICS code.
The percentages of small entities with annual revenue less than the SBA’s threshold ranged from 96.3 percent to 100 percent. Specifically, approximately 96.3 percent of Specialized Freight (except Used Goods) Trucking, Long Distance (484230) firms had annual revenue less than the SBA’s revenue threshold of $34.0 million and will be considered small entities. FMCSA estimates 100 percent of firms in the Mixed Mode Transit Systems (485111) national industry had annual revenue less than $29.0 million and will be considered small entities. The table below shows the complete estimates of the number of small entities within the national industries that may be affected by this rule.
Small Entities Table
Therefore, while FMCSA has determined that this rulemaking will impact a substantial number of small entities, it has also determined that the rulemaking will not have a significant impact on them. The effect of this rulemaking will be to increase the annual registration fee that motor carriers, motor private carriers of property, brokers, freight forwarders, and leasing companies are currently required to pay. The increase will be 25 percent on average, $9 to $9,000 per entity, depending on the number of vehicles owned and/or operated by the affected entities.
As for the fees they are broken out into 6 different levels on what the carrier would owe.
Link for Federal Register Document. Federal Register Document
Sandy & Stephen
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